Preschool Ministries
Preschool Ministry at BSBC provides a safe and inviting learning environment for kindergarten and younger. We offer a variety of age-appropriate teaching methods that assist little ones in learning about God and His love for them. Whether it be through stories, songs, or structured play, it is our prayer that these children are encouraged as they grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
All Preschool classrooms are located on the first floor of the Family Life Center. Each classroom is equipped with a paging system that enables our volunteers to reach parents quickly and easily if needs arise.
Preschool Sunday School; 9:15AM
Each Sunday morning, children will be greeted and cared for by teachers who seek to share God’s love with them.
Wee Worship; Sun, 10:30AM
Every Sunday, all 3-year-olds and under are cared for by qualified volunteers who love to nurture, teach, and entertain them.
BSBCKids! Church, Every Sun except 5th Sunday, 10:30AM
Pre-K-5th grade children are invited to attend Children’s Church. Children are dimissed from the Worship Service after the song portion. During Children’s Church, kids will engage in learning about God by watching puppet shows, listening to Bible stories, singing songs, and participating in hands-on activities.
Mission Friends; Wed, 6:30-7:30PM
Each Wednesday throughout the school year, our Pre-K and Kindergarten children meet together and learn about what it means to be a missionary. They will learn about the different places where missionaries serve, the food they eat, and the clothes they wear. Periodically, the kids will enjoy guest visits from missionaries as well.
Child Care (3 & under); Sun & Wed Evenings
On Sunday and Wednesday evenings, all 3-year-olds and under will enjoy playing and learning under the supervision of our dependable and loving paid staff.